Thursday, November 6, 2008

Estoy en amor...

It's happening again....I'm falling in love...

....with Europe...

For so much of the first month I was in Barcelona, I just wanted to be back in Vienna. After coming here, I was so convinced that the constant high I felt there was specific to that particular place with those particular people in that specific point in time. Maybe that's not the case after all.

Don't get me wrong; there are things about home that I am still looking forward to when I return in 6 weeks (real breakfast, American football, etc). However, the longer I am in Barcelona, the less I remember that list and the more I realize what I am going to miss when I leave. What scares me is that this might really be the last time I am in Europe for a very long time. Who knows, it could even be the last. There's no telling where life will take me.

A month ago, I made a list of all the things I missed from home. Now, I am going to make a list of everything I can already tell I will be sad to leave behind in Spain:
*Being able to walk everywhere!
*The endless number of delicious cafes, and with that, delicious coffee and pastries
*Always having something new to explore
*Public transportation (not paying for gas!)
*Meeting people from all over the world and learning about different cultures
*Speaking Spanish as a part of my daily life
*The wonderful weather here (most of the time)
*Menu del Dias...yum
*Lemon Fanta!!
*ICB and the people there

Possibly more will be added in the future! Hasta luego!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I told you so! Glad you are loving it. I wish we could have visited there as well.