Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No zapatos en Espana

I was doing a little wandering around the Barcelona streets yesterday, when I went into a shoe store. I hate to shop for shoes, so I was pleasantly surprised to see a very cute pair of black flats that were not too expensive. I marched up to the counter to ask for my size.

"Tiene estes en Cuarenta y dos?"- (Do you have these in size forty-two)
"No, no vende cuarenta y dos en Espana...solo cuarenta y uno" (No, we don't sell size forty-two in Spain, only size 41).

Basically, my feet are too big to buy shoes ANYWHERE in Spain...nothing like something like that to make you feel like a freak! :P So to anyone else with big feet, don't come to Spain to buy cute shoes...they don't exist in our size!

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