Monday, October 13, 2008

A little insight on how weird I am

I'll admit it...I can't help it...I'm somewhat of a control freak and I love having a routine. I like being able to cook for myself because not only do I get enjoyment out of the process, but it means that I can eat what I want whenever I want. I actually enjoy cleaning/organizing because it makes me feel productive and in control of my environment. Doing dishes, laundry, general cleaning etc. is part of my normal routine at home that I don't mind at all (and if I really want to be a nerd, I can say that I kind of like it sometimes). In Barcelona, I feel so obsessive about food because I never know when I am going to get to eat next or what exactly it will be. I also feel so helpless here because I don't do any household chores. When I am bored or procrastinating, I don't have the option of organizing the space around me because my senora cleans, does my laundry, etc. and we have someone clean our apartment once a week. I know...such a rough life....
I crave variety but find comfort in consistency. It's an interesting paradox. I don't have very many things that are consistent here, which is unsettling. I don't have a set "group" of friends, so I find myself floating back and forth a lot. I am torn between trying new cafes, stores, restaurants, etc. and finding a select few favorites that I can visit routinely. Maybe I just don't know what I want...

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