Friday, September 19, 2008

Life continues

Hola! By the way, thanks to everyone who is actually reading my blog! Comments are also VERY appreciated!

My first week of classes started today, and I am such a nerd for being sooo ready to begin. It's been nice having a schedule and a routine. The 9:00am classes Monday-Thursday are rough because I've never had class earlier than 9:30 the entire time I've been in college. Plus, the lifestyle here makes me stay up later because we don't even eat dinner until like 9:00 or 9:30. I guess they invented siestas for a reason!

Looking at my calendar, I have exactly 3 months left in Spain. That seems like both a very long and very short time. My 3 months are split up pretty evenly though:
October 3-5 (two weeks from today)~ I signed up to go on the IES trip to Costa Brava.
October 23-29 (3 weeks later)~ VIENNA :-D
November 14-16 (2 weeks after that)~ Possible trip to Granada, Spain with Dannie. We haven't booked anything yet, but we definitely want to go.
December 19 (a month later)~ Fly home. Exams and such also happen that week before.

My Spanish seems to be getting better little by little...we are watching a movie in my Spanish class called "El otro lado de la cama" (The Other Side of the Bed) which is quite hilarious. I would recommend watching it!

I went to a Flamenco show last night, which was really awesome. It's a dance that's very popular in southern Spain, so it was a unique opportunity to see it here. This weekend is also a big fiestival for the patron saint, so there should be lots of activities going on around the city. I'll give you an update soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My dear Leslie,
I'm so glad things are looking up for you!! I'm sure it's only going to go up from here! I'm so glad I got to talk to you and hear your voice yesterday!! I hope you have a great upcoming week and I hope we can skype again sometime soon! Te extrano mucho y te quiero, mi amiga! :)