Saturday, September 20, 2008


Hey! So for anyone who might want to send me mail in the future, here is my apartment address. Apparently, IES does not want packages sent to them, so anything other than standard envelopes need to be mailed here...

Leslie Lang
Passeig Sant Joan 176, 1º2ª
08037 Barcelona

(Yes for the address, it's a number 1 with a degree symbol and then a number 2 with an "a" subscript)

It's been a good weekend so far. I will update soon!


Anonymous said...

frickin spanish people and their degree symbols. bizarre-o. :P

glad to hear things are going a bit better, or at least that your weekend is shaping up to be a good one.

Kathleen said...

well hopefully my package isn't lost with them! Please let me know when you get it!