Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tears of joy

This evening I walked around by myself for over an hour, just listening to my music and seeing more of the city. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, and I stumbled upon some of the most gorgeous architecture I have seen yet (within walking distance from my apartment).

I cried.

I cried tears of happiness...tears of feeling so full that something just had to be released, or I felt like I would burst.

God is so good. This morning I sat in a little cafe reading my Bible before church. I was at church from 11:30 to 1:30 and then the 20s and 30s group traveled to Les Planes (the pastors' house) for a BBQ and fellowship time. The house is GORGEOUS...built about 100 years ago out in the countryside of Barcelona. There were about 40 people there and everyone was so nice and so easy to talk to. We had burgers, chips, and cake! I laughed and felt like myself for the first time in awhile. I didn't leave until after 5:00pm.

God has bought me here to Barcelona to change me and mold me into who he wants me to be. God is teaching me how to be more confident with who I am and how to live out a life of faith even when everything seems uncomfortable and unfamiliar. And thankfully, God has led me to a church that reminds me that I am not alone. Worship and fellowship are two things that I simply cannot live without and expect to be happy. God knows what I need and God provides :) Each and every day is full of more blessings than I have allowed myself to notice lately. Now I feel like I am ready to be completely open and let everything just rush in...

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